Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Draw Portraits Hair : Pencil Drawing In Monochrome

  How To Draw Portraits Hair : Pencil Drawing In Monochrome

How To Draw Portraits Hair : Pencil Drawing In Monochrome - Pencil drawing in monochromePencil drawing in monochrome is the foundation of any budding artist. several new artists make the mistake of skipping foundation building and go right on to learn how to paint or draw in colors. They do this by find outing tracing the shapes and forms and then paint over them.Unfortunately, this approach cannot create a great drawing. that's simply taking into consideration that when the artist starts to paint over the lines, he or she starts to trace as well. As a result, spontaneity is lost. T ... [Read More - HOW TO DRAW PORTRAITS HAIR]

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Realistic Pencil Portraits

Realistic Pencil Portraits - Have you been looking at several pencil portraits over and over again, wondering how can I draw like that?

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